Sunday, October 28, 2007

Update on Dad

Its been a little more than two weeks now since my father went into a diabetic coma and had a stroke. The doctors label it a Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) coupled with a multi function failure.

A few days ago, he was shifted from the IMCU to the ICCU. This means he is less critical then what he was before, because the Intensive Critical Care Unit is apparently a step down from the Intensive Medical Care Unit.

But he continues to be hooked up to machines and monitors and the doctors continue to tell us it could swing either way. They refuse to give us any hope.

They say every day is different and right now they are focusing on stabilizing my father. Also, they are yet to ascertain how much damage has occurred to the brain, when it was deprived of oxygen and if the damage will be temporary or permanent.

Meanwhile, my father drifted into semi-consciousness two days ago and mumbled a few words no one understood, before drifting back into unconsciousness. It looks like his speech function has been affected.

I have postponed my ticket back to the US by a few more days, on the advice of my father's primary physician, who is fast becoming a friend.


Abby said...

Just got a message from Nanu with an update. I'm thinking about you a lot right now.

Lizzie said...

I second that. Lots of comforting prayers are being sent your way.

Chitra said...

Take care and our prayers are with you

Anonymous said...

My deepest condolence to you and your family poorima. I am greatly saddened after reading through your blog, why don't you invite your mother to stay with you for a short period.I know again see has to go back to a empty house, but for short time it would help her.Take care