Friday, October 26, 2007

Not Dead

The doctors informed a lady sitting next to us that her husband was dead. Very soon some 300 Muslims showed up at the hospital. It seemed like the dead person was an important Islamic leader of some sort.

An ambulance was deployed to bring the dead body home. Relatives wept outside the IMCU.

Suddenly a nurse comes out of the IMCU and informs the people that the man is not dead. Apparently they managed to resuscitate the dying man.

How can any responsible hospital do this? How can they claim someone is dead and then say the opposite. It really is appalling behavior.

Shouldn't they first make sure their patient really is dead before informing his family? Its simply bizarre.

Given a choice we wouldn't have placed my father here. But this is where he insisted he wanted to go to, if there was ever a medical emergency. My father truly believed he would get cured if he came to St. Isabel's, since this is where he has always been hospitalized in the past and this is also where my grandfather came to when he was unwell.

Call it superstition, faith or just a place he was comfortable to go to, but we will respect my father's wishes to the end.


Chitra said...

Ooooopsss that was bad. Hope your dad is doing fine.

Abby said...

Oops indeed. Jeebus!

Reginald Leamon Robinson, Professor of Law said...

Perhaps that man didn't transition into his natural, normal state, precisely because all those people who came to the hospital after the word got out drew in back out of pure love for him. in that case, it may have little to do with incompetent doctors causing a suffering wife undue worry. rather, it's the depth of love and eternal between that sick man and this community that encouraged him to turn away from the light and to stay here just a little to ease their suffering. what that man did for them was a great act of compassion.