Friday, August 25, 2006

The Du Quoin State Fair

Nanu and I wanted to go for the inaugural parade of the Du Quoin State Fair today, but got there so late that we missed it by an hour!

So we strolled through the vast fairgrounds, nibbling on our thoroughly-soaked-in-butter corn-on-the-cobs, taking in the sights.

Many stalls were still being setup, but a whole bunch of others were up and running.

There was lots of color, eager crowds, yummy smells, wild rides, concerts, shows and more.

We stayed for about an hour, but it had been a long day and we were tired. So we headed back home.

But the plan is to go back within the next few days, when my sister gets here.

Yes! My little sis is visiting me and she should land in the US on Sunday. Yippee!

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