Friday, March 21, 2008

Feature: How Veterans Lose Weight. How I lost 71 lbs. How I lost 122 lbs.

This was an insane story to write. Imagine interviewing someone who has lost 71 pounds in all. Wow!

Now imagine interviewing someone else who has lost 122 pounds. Fantastic!

These two gentlemen were such inspirations. And it sure sounds like the MOVE! program, which they participated in works on some level.

An acronym for Managing Obesity and/or Overweight for Veterans Everywhere, this national weight management program, focuses on behavioral health, diet and exercise.

You should totally take the FREE interactive online quiz and get a 4-6 page individualized report, which includes a list of recommended MOVE! handouts (containing nutrition, physical activity, and healthy behavior change information) and see for yourself.

Click here to read the entire story.

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