Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Day

Another Thanksgiving just went by and we were flooded with invitations for lunch and dinner from thoughtful friends. I guess they figured we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving and felt it made sense to have us over.
So we went to Jack
and Angela's for lunch and another friend's place for dinner. Lunch was fabulous. It wasn't the traditional Thanksgiving meal. Instead it was just a bunch of veggies and dips and a whole lot of vodka-tonics and vodka-red bull-cranberry combinations! But we had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it.
Dinner was another matter altogether.
Traditional Thanksgiving fare (turkey - no I didn't eat it!, mashed potatoes, corn, pumpkin pie, beans, etc) and intense, sometimes uncomfortable conversations due to the weird mix of people.
How do you tell someone they are racist in a party, without making yourself and everyone else uncomfortable in the process? It felt strange to hear some anti-Muslim rantings from an otherwise "apparently sane" person. Both Nanu and I felt disturbed by her remarks and also realized how anti-Muslim sentiments are bubbling very much under the surface. You don't even have to scratch it seems.


Anonymous said...

u look great with glasses!as always i love reading ur blog.when u dont update i miss being a part of ur life.miss u so much!

PJ said...

Awww, miss you too!